24 September, 2011

So much for "Survival of the fittest".

This story was inspired by two interesting house guests I had earlier this month. One of them apparently had her lip blown up by a cockroach and in my head this was how the picture formed. The image of a cockroach trying to blow up a shark is hilarious especially since they're both creatures that existed since before the dinosaurs.
I actually don't know which has been around the longest - the shark or the cockroach. Apparently there's even an unanswered question on wikianswers!
I like how my cockroach turned out - especially the "yee-ess" response in the 2nd panel.

22 September, 2011

Fishbook.com - unlike, unfriend and unaccept!

Yes, I notice numbers on my friendlists. It's not that pathetic. I have this "phantom" friend on my facebook friendlist - one day I have x number of friends and the next day it's x-1 or x-2 and then it's back to x! It's annoying to not know who has unfriended you. If I had just 10 friends, I'd know.
It's hard to spend quality time with hundreds of people... I could only do about 5 per day (on one of those "happy mood" days). That's why I'm bewildered when I see people's friendlists with over a thousand friends. No! I'm not jealous.

ps - I know that "unaccept" is not a word.
pps - How had I missed using this particular pun before? Oh yeah, 'cause it's really bad.

21 September, 2011

Scary Beaver Foo Foo, Happy birthday to you!

I'm a bit late but this is for my friend for her birthday. The song in question is "Little Bunny Foo Foo" which she introduced to me. It's funny to think that I once found this particular friend quite scary. Maybe I still do.

ps - My beaver seems to evolve quite a bit.
pps - I am not making fun of Canada. It's top on my list of places to go. Almost on top. ;)

15 September, 2011

To do: Make Bucket list

Here's one that I drew about a month ago and then got too busy to do put it up. It may be cheesy and stupid but I still find the "to-do list" vs "bucket list" idea chuckle-worthy. I should probably do an actual bucket list one sometime.
Copyright (c) 2014 Gitanjali (Anju) Sabu. All rights reserved (At least, that's what the Copyright law says). Please don't steal or distribute my sketches unless you intend to make me famous. Or else, I'll have to feed you to the sharks, vipers and other fierce creatures.
Please don't copy, trace, steal or use these characters or the idea of these characters as your own. In case of fan art, please do not add anything to these characters. Thank you!