24 March, 2010

Apparently I'm a blogger

So, I went for this gathering of bloggers because I happen to know the people who organize it. It was quite overwhelming - there were over 200 people there and I knew a few of them because I stalked the attendee list a couple of day before so that I wouldn't be a complete loser. I was very proud of myself that I could recognise them!
I got an Indiblogger T-shirt as soon as I got there and told that I could pretend to be part of the organizing group. If I'd known that earlier, I wouldn't have spent half the day (okay, about five minutes) worrying about what to wear to the event. It was probably a mistake to wear that T-shirt because people kept asking me official questions and I was like "I have no idea". I must have appeared very stupid. Maybe that was the plan.
Anyway, it was pretty amazing to see everyone and their passion for blogging. Some of them have up to eighteen blogs, over two hundred followers and a zillion comments for each post. Feedburner tells me that I have twenty eight readers and sixteen followers. Very sad, indeed.
Along the course of the introductions and blah blahs, I discovered that these are very advanced bloggers who know what hash tags and stuff are and they were posting live updates onto the big screen. I have no idea how that is done. Twitter baffles me. My biggest Twitter skill is breaking down a venting story into 140 characters.
We each got a large sheet of paper where people could write comments for us. That was quite fun - didn't get to meet everyone though. My horrid cousin wrote "hug me!" on mine. People thought that it was my doing and that I enjoy random hugs like that. "Hug me" is the new "kick me".
I had to rush off for another fun event so I didn't stay for the entire evening - did manage to wolf down a sandwich and cutlet. Oh, and I got put in front of a camera for some news channel - the reporter was very gentle with me after I told her that I sketch because I hate talking. I probably still sounded retarded. I haven't watched the clip yet.
Anyway, it was good to meet everyone - leave a comment if we met (I probably have all the details on the yellow sheet but I didn't bring it to work!).

ps - The porcupine is supposed to be my friend who was one of the organizers. We used to call him a porcupine when we were younger because of his spiky hair.
Copyright (c) 2014 Gitanjali (Anju) Sabu. All rights reserved (At least, that's what the Copyright law says). Please don't steal or distribute my sketches unless you intend to make me famous. Or else, I'll have to feed you to the sharks, vipers and other fierce creatures.
Please don't copy, trace, steal or use these characters or the idea of these characters as your own. In case of fan art, please do not add anything to these characters. Thank you!