30 January, 2013

Shark Stanley and friends!

Shark Stanley and friends from Shark Defenders are looking for supporters and friends all over the world. It's fun to see how many countries they've been to so far. It would be great to see you all in the list too. Please check out sharkstanley.com or sharkdefenders.com for information.

22 January, 2013

Crazy Shark Lady

This is probably the most elaborate sketch I've done so far. I've never spent this much energy or time on backgrounds before. It was hard. Harder still was having my sister pick on all the imperfections and making me correct/change things.
I'm not sure if all the details will be visible here so I'll put up a bigger image on the Facebook page. See if y'all can find all the shark related items in the room! Some items are imaginary (aka "I hope they make these), some are real and I'd love to be able to afford them (like Victor Douieb's sculptures) and others are stuff that I probably want/have. :)

21 January, 2013

Shark Tag

This is just a random comic. I don't even know if the shark in it is my usual shark. I saw the question "What would you do if you were stranded on an island and find sharks swimming all around you?" on Facebook and thought that it would be funny if this happened.
I also had a few alternate last panels. Please pick whichever one you like.

Or how about this one? The sharks were probably having a wine and cheese party. You'd never know.

17 January, 2013

The Green Lanternshark

Drawing that Lanternshark...AND turning it into the Green Lantern was so much harder than I expected. Watch out for more adventures of The Green Lanternshark! 
Here's more information on Lanternsharks (I wasn't sure if it was 'Lanternshark' or 'Lantern shark' - they both seem to be used). There are also a few other kinds of lanternsharks, for those of you who are interested. 

The Grim Thresher

For those who aren't that shark-smart [yet], the shark being held is known as the Thresher shark
Also, "unfin" is not the same as "de-fin". 

16 January, 2013

I want a shark scooter!

My sister mentioned that every time she sees a hammerhead shark, she feels like holding on to the head and play water scooter. I doubt that the shark would find that very amusing.

15 January, 2013

Sharks' public image: Parakeets bite too! (aka "Improve the public!")

It's probably easier to get the sharks to behave like goldfish than to get the general public to improve. I saw this very funny comic about animals' New Year resolutions and the part about sharks improving their public image inspired me to draw a strip about various attempts at doing so. But while musing on this strip, I was like "um, it's the public that needs improving". So, while this strip probably does nothing to improve sharks' public image, it does point out that parakeets bite too. I love that line... especially after google search results showed me these links. Biting Parakeets and How to stop a parakeet from biting.

11 January, 2013

The "Social Obligation Smile"

About five years ago, I wrote a blog post titled "The 'Social Obligation Smile'". I'd written the title down in my sketch notebook to remind myself to someday do a sketch about it. Re-reading my old post shows me just how cynical and sarcastic I used to be (I'm definitely mellowing down). However, I still believe that this is a highly useful skill in societies/cultures where social interactions are strangely superficial and yet extremely fundamental.
Also, this could probably help the sharks with their public image, right?

07 January, 2013

Wise words: Discontentment

I thought that it would be nice if the first post of 2013 was an insightful and wise one.
And in case you were wondering, sharks are wise as well as witty.
Copyright (c) 2014 Gitanjali (Anju) Sabu. All rights reserved (At least, that's what the Copyright law says). Please don't steal or distribute my sketches unless you intend to make me famous. Or else, I'll have to feed you to the sharks, vipers and other fierce creatures.
Please don't copy, trace, steal or use these characters or the idea of these characters as your own. In case of fan art, please do not add anything to these characters. Thank you!