29 May, 2009

It's the result of stopping to smell all the flowers!

Did you know that there are people who think I'm a snob? Shocking, isn't it? Apparently, that's the kind of first impression I give off.
Notice the noses in the air. People sometimes just end up sitting that way, okay?

Lost in Wonder link: The Snob Factor

That mutant killer poodle poo sounds a lot like a pomeranian!

There's supposed to be a "Beware of Pomeranian" sign. I forgot to add it. Pomeranians are like hyper-active fur-balls with annoying barks. I should draw them dropping something heavy on it.

Zero is something!

I wonder if dress sizes would start going in the negative range soon. But then people would think of it as a positive thing. Very confusing, our vanity situation!

Maybe I secretly want to be a size zero? Nah.

26 May, 2009

There are so many levels to this one. Let's start with the cage.

Notice how the wind is pushing against my face and making my hair fly. That's because it's windy at sea. Stroke of artistic genius. :p

I've always wanted to go in one of those shark cages. South Africa is on my priority travel list for this reason. And for some good friends. The great white sharks in South Africa are better looking than the ones in Australia for some reason. I'm not the only one to see that, am I?

Let's see you laughing from inside a viper's belly

For my mean friends. Because I love them. They asked to be dangled over a pit of vipers.

How's your chimichanga? (It IS fun to say that word!)

A tribute to my favourite hang-out/restaurant. As a thank you for not throwing us out for sitting there for hours and laughing our heads off. And for all the free sarcasm.

I'll probably write more in my regular blog.

ps - The menu doesn't actually have a "No seafood" blurb but yes, Sparky's doesn't serve seafood. It's awesome. Finally, a chef who doesn't go all ga-ga over seafood.

Yes, yes, love makes the world go round

Overly bubbly-happy people are annoying. I know a few of those. They're like high care bears. It's fun to pick on them.

Exercise is one form of punishment

This is probably how I do imagine exercise would be. I recently bought a treadmill. It is a subject of laughter for my family. I don't know why. Probably because I never lasted at any gym - all the equipment were trying to kill me. And I realised that I don't play well with others.

25 May, 2009

It's called 'being nice'!

That silly penguin trash can took forever to draw! I don't know why I draw those shoes... I can never pull off Converse shoes in real life. I guess it's just one of those living vicariously through art things.

Yes, my drawings always have hidden messages. If you figure them out, good for you. But don't ask or verify. :p

15 May, 2009

May you and your bicycle crash into a statue of James Starley

My contribution to the fish and the bicycle chronicles.

Don't ask how he manages to ride it.

The James Starley reference - Once upon a time, I attempted to ride a bicycle that didn't have much air in its tyres. It was quite difficult, as one would imagine. I tried to stick with it and make it to my destination but somewhere along the way, I passed out. When I woke up, I realised that I was lying at the foot of a statue that said "James Starley - Founder of the Improved Bicycle".

A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.’ - Gloria Steinem

ps - The last comment about the quote being actually from Irina Dunn is correct. I think I mentioned in another blog that this quote was wrongly attributed to Gloria Steinem. I wonder why I didn't correct it here! Thanks anyway, anonymous! :)

05 May, 2009

Can I atleast pretend to fish?

I used to really enjoy fishing. I'd still like to but I don't eat fish and I don't have a cat I can feed them to so it seems kind of pointless.

Fish out of water

One of the first girl and shark ones - the shark has grown since (and the girl looks like a freaking alien with those eyes)! I like the idea of sitting on fences, walls, anything and having "deeply shallow" conversations.

03 May, 2009

The best cure

Inspired by a random, pointless chat session with my sister.

No touchie

I know it looks like the shark is nipping at him. But it's actually meant to be a gratitude hug. The 'Yuck' philosophy at play.

Don't mess with the self!

Couches are so hard to draw!

I saw someone wearing a Stitch hat (of Lilo and Stitch fame) that looked as if Stitch was biting his head off. It was so cute. Unfortunately, that particular hat was all sold out. I have no idea who the cat in the beret is. It could be Gitu. But the only person I know who wears a beret is Anjana. I don't know why the cat is wearing a beret though. Animals in hats are so funny.

02 May, 2009

Goodbyes suck!

Here's us saying goodbye to Julie and Celeste. Supposedly.

Stupid, slimy creatures! Yuck.

I can't think of anyone who'd enjoy having a frog on them.
And I don't understand why people would enjoy watching someone who has a frog on them!

How do I manage to always make friends who like seeing me in such anguish?

The Pain of Creativity

Last year, I did the sketch of just the girl and the tree for a blog post titled "The creativity of pain". I decided to update it with something more relevant.

One can only stay emo for a while. After that, you need some annoying creature to get you out of it.

Want to see my fish?

After I watched "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective", I wanted to have one of those giant tanks with a Great White Shark. You know, so that I could take any annoying visitors and show them my fish.

ps - I've replaced the original sketch with a slightly updated and improved version.

01 May, 2009

When vexed, whack cute things

I read that Stephan Pastis has this philosophy pinned on his wall - "When in doubt, kill cute things". I'm too much of a sissy to kill though. (Except for cockroaches. I love playing paintball with them and a can of Baygon).

Maybe all the die-hard fans are bulimic.

Caution: Contains spoilers!
For full commentary, please visit my blog.

I'm just picking on "Twilight". The bits I found annoying, that is. The rest was strangely addicting.

So much for icing the cake!

This is in honor of Julie's Birthday! The guys done in blue were done back in 2001 while I was in college (during some boring class). I just thought they'd look cute in this one.
Copyright (c) 2014 Gitanjali (Anju) Sabu. All rights reserved (At least, that's what the Copyright law says). Please don't steal or distribute my sketches unless you intend to make me famous. Or else, I'll have to feed you to the sharks, vipers and other fierce creatures.
Please don't copy, trace, steal or use these characters or the idea of these characters as your own. In case of fan art, please do not add anything to these characters. Thank you!